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Entrance Assessment

Entrance Assessment  (EA)


It is an admission exercise conducted for students who wish to join Light Unity Christian Academy.


EA consists of a test on English, Mathematics (for Secondary) and English, Mathematics and Science (for Primary) that will assess the applicant’s English literacy, numeracy and reasoning abilities and problem solving.  Basically, it determines the student’s readiness for the rigorous level academic work. While the admission test is important, it is only one of several areas which the admission process undertakes.  The whole admission process subjects to the applicant’s performance in the test, review of the latest school records and an enrolment interview.  If successful, placement will depend on available vacancies.


Students seeking admission should note that English is the medium of instruction and are strongly encouraged to be familiar with the level preceding the one they are applying for.



An Enrolment Interview with the parents / guardians and student(s) will be arranged when a place becomes available and is required before acceptance.

All assessment materials are confidential and is a property of the academy. LUCA reserves the right not to reveal the details of the assessment results.

Year Level


Kindegarten (Age 6)



Primary 1-6

Secondary 1-5



Subject and Interview


An Assessment consists of guided literacy and numeracy testing


English, Mathematics, Science

English, Mathematics





45 minutes



1.5 Hours

2.15 Hours



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