Curriculum Philosophy

Biblical View

Children are born in the image of God – creative and active participants in their learning about the world. A Biblical view builds the foundation of how children develop a relationship with God, with themselves as image bearers, with others and with their world.  At the heart of all we teach is a recognition that every student is a beloved child of God, and has a place and a purpose in this world; we at LUCA have the privilege and responsibility to help them grow. We welcome children of all faiths, and students are encouraged to understand and respect one another’s uniqueness.

Developmentally Appropriate and Integrated

Children grow and develop. As they do, the way in which they understand the world develops. It is important to cover a wide range of skills, knowledge and understanding in developmentally progressive, age-appropriate ways to enhance learning. Likewise, deep learning occurs when children can build on their existing knowledge and make connections with new and different types of learning.  Our focus on themes, Bible View Integration (BVI) overlay and integrated subjects learning all contribute towards facilitating a rich learning experience.

Internationally and Community Minded

At LUCA, we see delivering an international education and promoting global perspectives as essential. The education our students receive will equip them with the tools they need to respond to the challenges and opportunities a changing world presents, and develop character that will enable them to handle life with maturity and wisdom. We educate our students to be aware of, and respond to, the needs of others; learning to understand, appreciate and respect people belonging to many social, cultural, religious and national groups different from their own is an important element of their learning at LUCA. We are dedicated to raise a generation of global citizens who care for the world and its people.

REASONS for such development:

We want our students to develop a growth mindset:

- Growing in Reverence fear of God (Spiritually),

- Growing in Stature (Physically),

- Growing in Wisdom (Academically),

- Growing in Favour with man (Socially).













Reverence Fear of GOD






International Mindedness

Vision of the Kinds of Children We are Helping to Develop


This is WHAT we want our students to develop:


Teaching and learning at LUCA contribute to developing the qualities and dispositions of our students in line with our shared vision as summarised below:

LUCA students








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