OUR Curriculum Description

Bible Study / Christian Studies

A biblical worldview is integrated into ALL aspects of teaching and learning at LUCA. Children have daily devotional & prayer time. During bible classes they will explore rich biblical stories and truths from both the Old and New Testaments.Teaching materials are both selected and developed internally to suit our philosophy, and are reviewed regularly.


Literacy is fundamental to learning, thinking and communicating, and this is embedded in the teaching and learning at LUCA. The processes and contents are reviewed and adapted from time to time, where necessary, to integrate into the curriculum we offer so as to be more responsive to the broader needs of our international students.


Students will be trained in three skills (reading, writing and thinking) in Chinese lessons at LUCA. A combination of commercially published textbooks and teacher-produced materials, enlivened by fun activities, songs, movies, cultural experiences and knowledge, is used to promote a love of the language and culture while progressing towards fluency.

Singapore Maths

Mathematics is central to developing a greater understanding of the world around us and the numeracy capabilities that all students need in their personal, work and civic lives. Students must be mathematically literate in order to explore problem-solving situations and accommodate changing conditions of their worlds.


We inspire our students to see science as a journey of discovery and adventure. From a young age, children are taught to see the relevance of science in our everyday lives, and to apply scientific thoughts to understand the world around us. Inquiry, logic, open-mindedness and critical analysis are the building blocks for future science.

Performing Arts

The Performing Arts programme aims at fostering a lifelong love of music, dance and drama through developing skills-based practical and presentation of performing arts, as well as to encourage students to express and develop their talents through performing arts.

Sports & Physical Education

The aim of the Sports & P.E. programme is to foster the desire, skills and understanding that will allow students to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle both during and beyond their school years. This programme focuses on promoting physical, social and emotional development in a student so that he/she can grow to be mature and complete.

Co-curricular Activities

Students have the opportunity to experience beyond the classrooms with new interests and activities, or to develop skills and talents they already have. These activities require students to make a sustained commitment, developing their motivation and leadership qualities in their quest to succeed while having great fun in the process. This assists in preparing the students to become fully developed and responsible global citizens.


STEM is used within a balanced and integrated curriculum because it provides practical, real-life purpose and context to solving challenges.  STEM focuses on the connections between four disciplines which help students to understand how science, technology, engineering and mathematics are relevant to their lives rather than simply being just another exam to study for.  After all, in the real world, these four disciplines rely heavily on one another to sustain our society and keep things running safely and smoothly.

Post-Secondary Programme

After the students have sat for their IGCSE, during the period of time while they are awaiting their results, LUCA Academy will arrange a post-secondary programme for them - Basic Investment Course, to cultivate and instil in the students a correct perception of investment, as well as sharing with them related analytical knowledge. At the same time, it aims to assist the students to plan for their life’s goals that they will be better prepared and ready to cope with future severe economical and financial challenges.

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